
Gauteng Senior Social Worker
Welma Geldenhuys
Welma Geldenhuys has been working as a senior social worker in the field of Elderly and Geriatric care for the past 29 years.
In 2005, she started her first support group. This support group is still active and has also established more support groups in the Gauteng region, as well as a Zoom support group since she joined ADASA Gauteng in 2017. She was also part of the research team that researched Aricept medication, one of the first medicines for Alzheimer’s patients.
Other services ADASA Gauteng focuses on are: after a family member is diagnosed with the disease, to render support- and therapeutic services to family members and children of the patient through consultations. Overseas children are also included in this process through Zoom. Consultations. We do awareness campaigns in all areas of Gauteng, do talks, Expo, and Wellness days. We provide resources and info on the disease.
General Inquiries
Contact Details
Gauteng Marketing
Emile van Zyl
+27 (0) 76 106 7016
Gauteng Senior Social Worker:
Welma Geldenhuys
+27 (0) 82 821 4862
Gauteng Office Administrator:
Nancy Kalaba
+27 (0)11 792 2511
Physical Address:
Pretoria Office:
Contact Welma for an Appointment
Johannesburg Office:
Elphin Lodge Retirement Home
222 Modderfontein Road
Rietfontein, Johannesburg
Office Hours:
Mondays to Friday: 8:00 – 16:00
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
The Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias Association was established in 1985 and the Gauteng regional office in 2000. It was transformed into ADASA in 2016.
Dementia is a progressive and degenerative disease of the brain that affects memory, language skills, visual perception, disorientation, capability to focus, pay attention, reason and make decisions. In South Africa 1 in 10 people over the age of 65 and internationally 1 in 3 people over the age of 85 are diagnosed with the disease. The disease impacts the person living with dementia, their families, and the community on a personal, relational, psycho-social, and financial level.
FACT – Dementia does not discriminate, any one of us can be affected; – former heads of state – or even YOU!
Do you know someone who is living with dementia or who has a family member or loved one living with dementia?
We render services across all the districts in Gauteng to persons living with dementia and their families irrespective of race, gender, religious orientation, or financial standing. The services include psycho-social support and counselling; education and guidance on care choices; support groups; training of caregivers, including family members as carers; and finally, awareness raising and advocacy.
Services Offered
Individual Psycho-Social Support and Counselling
These sessions can be provided face-to-face or online via video or telephone for persons living with dementia and their families.
ADASA Gauteng renders therapeutic and support services, especially to the family (Nationally and Internationally) of the person who was diagnosed with a type of dementia.
Our consultations focus on an evaluation of the person’s background, unique needs, support systems, level of care needed, and legal liability as well as a collaborated future plan of action. Furthermore, we provide information on Alzheimer’s disease and its effect on the brain, communication with the dementia person, behaviour challenges experienced such as mood disorders, sleeping problems, wandering, etc. We also evaluate the carer, especially if the carer is the husband/wife and also an elderly carer.
Our consultation is a once-off fee of R600, and any further support is free. The payment of fees can be negotiated. Our first priority is to render services to the person living with dementia and Alzheimer’s and their family and/or support systems.
Support Groups
Support groups for a person living with dementia in its early stages as well as for family members of those living with dementia are available in several areas in Gauteng. Meetings are held monthly. We have 24 support groups. For further details please contact Welma Geldenhuys.
If there is not a support group in your area, please contact the ADASA National Office to join our online support group at 0860 102 681.
Dementia Training Courses
Dementia Training Courses (Haal vorige teks asb uit, vervang met)
We have several training courses available for anyone interested in knowing more about dementia; for caregivers at home, in the community, and at residential facilities; for multi-professional team members, including health practitioners, social workers, psychologists, nurses, community workers, social auxiliary workers, and traditional healers.
One of the core services ADASA Gauteng delivers is consultations and training in this field. We do training at facilities for communities, families and carers for people living with dementia in “Caring for the Person with Dementia”. Zoom training is also available for most target groups in this field.
Current courses available:
- One-day workshop (everybody with an interest in dementia disease)
- The two-day workshop (family members, caregivers at home and in facilities, social auxiliary workers, community workers, volunteers)
- Four-day workshop (multi-professional team)
- Online training is presented in four sessions of 2 hours each (for everybody with an interest in dementia disease).
Courses can also be presented in a modular way to meet the need of the group or organisation that require the training.
Community Awareness Programmes
We do awareness raising and advocacy on dementia through, talks, presentations, lectures, and workshops for organisations, students, and communities. You can invite us to your expos, wellness days, and health and mental health campaigns.
Become a Volunteer
Anybody with a passion for the person living with dementia is welcome to be a volunteer in our organisation. ADASA has a broad spectrum of services that needs your support and assistance. Contact our National Helpline 0860 102 681 or email or our Senior Social Worker at +27 (0)82 821 4862 or email
Donate Today
You have the option to sponsor specific services such as training, home-based care, counseling, vouchers for non-paying beneficiaries, and stipends for community workers or for general operational costs. You can contribute with a once-off donation or a monthly donation.
Support Groups
For more information on Gauteng Support Groups please contact Welma Geldenhuys at:
+27 (0) 82 821 4862
Zoom Support Group
Zoom Link to be forwarded
Every 1st Wednesday of the month
10:00 to 11:30
Centurion Group
Centurion, Gauteng
Centurion Hospice
Every 1st Tuesday of the month
10:00 to 11:30
Pretoria East Group
Pretoria East, Gauteng
458 Glenmead, Manitoba Drive, Faerie
Glen, Pretoria
Every 2nd Thursday of the month
10:00 to 11:30
Brooklyn Group
Princess Christian Homes, Middle
Street, Nieuw Mucleneuk, Pta
Every 1st Saturday of the month
10:00 to 11:00
Edenvale Group
Edenvale South
Queenshaven Foundation, Moffat
View, Edenvale
Every third Saturday of the month
Bedfordview Group
Saint Margaret’s Anglican Church, 2
Harper Rd, Bedfordview.
Last Friday of the month
Krugersdorp Group
Last Saturday of the month
Atteridgeville Group
Twice a month
Gauteng Bank Details

Acc No: 411 056 8922
Current Account
Branch No: 632005
Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ