KwaZulu Natal

KwaZulu Natal Regional Manager
Kim Hellberg
Kim began working for ADASA in 2013 as a social worker and transitioned to the role of KZN regional manager in January 2018. She was born in Johannesburg where she qualified as a social worker before moving to Pietermaritzburg to begin her career and complete her Masters degree in social work.
Kim previously worked for the Pietermaritzburg Mental Health Society and PADCA Care of the Aged. She is grateful to work with a dedicated and passionate team who between the six of them have worked for the region for 60 years.

KwaZulu Natal Social Worker
Elena Hattingh
General Inquiries
Contact Details
KwaZulu Natal Regional Manager:
Kim Hellberg
+27 (0) 31 702 8811
KwaZulu Natal Social Worker:
Elena Hattingh
+27 (0) 31 702 8811
Physical Address:
KwaZulu Natal Office:
26 Scott Road
Satellite office in Pietermaritzburg.
Office Hours:
Tuesday to Friday: 7:30 – 13:30
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Services Offered
Counselling and Information Service
We offer counselling and support in English, Zulu and Afrikaans. We also have resource lists available of nursing homes in KZN, doctors with a special interest in dementia and caregiving agencies.
Dementia Training Courses
We facilitate one and two-day ‘Caring for the person with Dementia’ training courses in English and Zulu.
Community Development Outreach
Our two Community workers visit people living with dementia and their families to offer support and provide education. They also create awareness of dementia by giving awareness talks at schools, church groups, and clinics.
Awareness Programmes
We create awareness of dementia by giving talks and presentations to any organisation requesting information on dementia. We also organise special events during September to highlight World Alzheimer’s Day which is celebrated each year on 21 September.
For information on any of the above-mentioned services or any enquiry please contact our office on 031 702 8811 or send an email to
Our office hours are: 7:30 – 13:30.
Become a Volunteer
Currently, we have 19 volunteers. If you would like to get involved as a volunteer, contact Kim Hellberg.
Support Groups
Support groups for the carers of people living with dementia
Support groups provide a safe environment for spouses or caregivers to learn from and support each other. We have 13 support groups across the province, these groups are run every month.
The support groups are based in Durban North, Pietermaritzburg, Pinetown, Upper Molweni, Wentworth, Bellair, Overport, Hillcrest, Amanzimtoti, Pennington, Port Shepstone, Scottburgh, Howick, Ballito and Wushwini.
Please contact Elena Hattingh for information on support groups and services.
Email or call +27 (0) 31 702 8811.
Pinetown Group
Pinetown office
Last Monday of the month
Durban North Group
Durban North
Durban North Methodist Church
Last Wednesday of the month
Scottburgh Group
Scottburgh South Coast
Crockworld South Coast
Last Thursday of the month
Ballito Group
Salt Rock Library
2nd Tuesday of the month
Pietermaritzburg Group
Allison Homes, Pietermaritzburg
1st Friday of the month
Howick Group
Amberglen Retirement Village
Confirm with Claire
Confirm with Claire
Port Shepstone Group
Port Shepstone
Mbango Valley Old Age Home
Last Thursday of the month
10 am
Wentworth Group
John Dunn House
3rd Friday of the month
2 pm
Bellair Group
Tafta Park Retirement Village
3rd Monday of the month
Wushwini Group
House 010437, Wushwini Road, Wushwini
The 1st week of month (please confirm)
Upper Molweni Group
Upper Molweni
Upper Molweni Methodist Church
3rd Wednesday of the month
Hillcrest Group
Camphors Care Centre
3rd Saturday of every month
Overport Group
Tafta on the Ridge 51 East street
First Monday of the month
10 am
KwaNyuswa, KwaZulu-Natal
Confirm dates and times with the Pinetown Office
KwaZulu Natal Bank Details

Acc No: 906 362 3876
Savings Account
Branch No: 632005
Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ