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The Association for Dementia and Alzheimer’s of South Africa NPC (ADASA) retains copyright on all text, images and other content on this site unless otherwise stated. We are generally happy to see our content, including our reports, used by others. ADASA grants permission freely for the reproduction of another work of tables, figures, infographics, or a short text extract (up to 500 words), provided that the source is clearly cited, including the name of Alzheimer’s Disease International and the name and/or URL of the publication. You do not need to request permission in these cases.

Be aware that ADASA can’t give permission for material it publishes with the permission of others (including most photographs used in our publications) – in these cases permission must be obtained from the copyright owner.

If you wish to request permission to use our content, including translation or reproduction of an entire publication, please email us at info@alzint.org


Using any of ADASA’s registered or unregistered logos or trademarks without prior consent is prohibited. If you are working with us and wish to request permission to use our logo, please email us at info@adasa.org.za

The names of companies and products mentioned in our content may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

Linking policy

Other websites are free to link to this site and formal requests are not required. However, ADASA reserves the right to determine which sites we will link to. Requests for reciprocal links are frequently not granted. As mentioned above, using the ADASA logo requires permission, which will not generally be given to unaffiliated organisations.

If you need a short description for a link on your site, we suggest:

ADASA is the Association for Dementia and Alzheimer’s of South Africa, which offers support and information to people with dementia and their carers.


ADASA tries to ensure that the information provided on this website is accurate, timely, and useful. However, the information contained on the site should not be considered individual medical guidance or professional advice. Readers are encouraged to direct any questions concerning their personal health to appropriate healthcare professionals.

This site contains links to websites operated by parties other than ADASA. We are not responsible for the contents or functioning of linked websites. The inclusion of links to websites does not imply endorsement of the material on those websites or any association with their operators.

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